Peanut Butter Banana -Doggie Biscotti

The second love in my life is Lulu. She is my little shadow and we are rarely apart. I make these cookies for her because Lulu loves them. I started making dog cookies as Christmas presents and then I started making them whenever I would run out of store bought cookies. Now, I  make them all the time. I feel good because I know exactly whats in them and they are so easy to make. 
I originally had a recipe that I got from a book but I have modified it so many times that I now make it the way I know Lulu likes them. She likes them with peanut butter, banana & cinnamon. Lulu loves any cookie  with cinnamon in it. I have made lots of different combinations and they all go with cinnamon.
Make some for your favourite pooch!
          You will need:
  • 1 squished ripe banana
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 quick cooking rolled oats
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla
  • 1 tbsp Nutracleanse *optional- this is a ground flax and fibre mix

Step1: set oven to 350 degrees
Step 2: in a medium bowl add peanut butter and banana. I squish the banana into the peanut butter with a potato masher. I blend with a spatula until smooth.
Step 3: add honey, olive oil, cinnamon & vanilla to the peanut butter mixture. Mix until incorporated.
Step 4: add egg and mix
Step 5: add optional Nutracleanse or ground flax.
Step 6: add rolled oats & flour. Mix with spatula until the dough becomes too stiff to continue in the bowl.
Step 7: dump onto counter and knead until dough is no longer sticky. You may need approx another 1/4 cup (or more) of flour to get the dough to a dry consistency that you are able to roll.
Step 8: I roll on counter and then flatten evenly to cut approx 2 inch biscotti. If you have a large dog & want these larger, then make them larger. If you want them smaller make a longer roll and slice them thinner.
Step 9: Slice into thin strips. If you want you can buy dog biscuit shaped cookie cutters. They make cute cookies however,  I find this method quicker and because it’s easier I  tend to make them  more often.
Step 10: Bake on sheet -they can be close together since there is no leavening agents added. I bake then for approx 30 minutes, then i flip them over & bake an additional 15 minutes. It makes a nicely browned cookie.
 If you leave them out they will dry quite hard. If you want them softer then put them into a sealed container and they will stay softer.
I also make Pumpkin  & cinnamon cookies or if I have some apples on hand I make apple cinnamon.
My dog just loves that cinnamon flavour and I just love that dog! 

One response

  1. My dog loved Hilda's cookies. Bogie's favourite were the ones with a hint of cinnamon in them. He'd go crazy for them. He recently passed but he kept eating them right to the end…he loved you and your cooking…

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