Khachapuri -Georgian Cheese Bread

This bread is often topped with an egg and put back in the over until it is just set but the center is still runny. I am not a fan of runny eggs in anything so they are not on my breads. The original is just made with just cheese (top)

I created another one with a thin layer of pesto under the cheese and I have to say I loved that one better! But that is the beauty of cooking and baking you can make it your own and add what you love best!!

You will Need:


  • 1 tsp flaked sea salt (like Maldon)
  • 1 pkg or 2 tsp dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 4 – 4 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (yes use the EVOO – don’t save it )

For the filling

  • 1 1/2 cups crumbled FETA – I beg you not to use North American Feta it is not the same as the Greek Feta not even close!
  • 1 1/2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
  • olive oil or melted butter to brush on crust
  • eggs if you like that sort of thing on your bread

Step 1: in the bowl of a stand mixer add the dry ingredients: salt, yeast and flour.

Step 2: In a large measuring cup or microwave safe bowl add the wet ingredients: honey, water, milk and olive oil. Heat in microwave for 1 minute.

Step 3: add the wet to the dry and with the dough hook mix for about 4 minutes until the bowl is almost clean. Then I always do a few minutes of kneading on the counter to get the correct amount of flour added until the dough is no longer sticky.

Step 4: Once smooth oil a bowl with more olive oil and then cover an let rise until double. 1 1/2 hours in a warm place.

Step 5: Crumble and grate your cheeses and leave in fridge until ready to assemble.

Step 6: Once doubled gently deflate and place back in oiled bowl for a second rise about 45 minutes this time.

Step 7: cut dough into 4 equal pieces and flatten out into a sort of square shape then roll up edges for form a ledge. Pinch sides to create the traditional shape or just make them round like a pizza

fill with cheeses

or add your favorite spread like pesto on the bottom and then top with cheeses.

Step 8: Bake for about 15 minutes or until they are the level of browned you like (by the way in Italy the best pizzas have some level of char on them because that is considered a component/ingredient – they are not just melted cheese and bread)

EAT Warm!! and if you have lots left let them cool and freeze them for later. When you are ready to eat them toss them in a hot oven again for 5 minutes to warm up