Prosciutto wrapped Halibut with Herb Lime and Coconut Salsa

One of the nicest things about living on the coast is the abundance of fantastic fresh fish that is always available. I have used a meaty halibut in this recipe but you can easily use any type of white fish you prefer. You can also get excellent frozen fish if fresh is not an option. It is topped with a fresh salsa which is half cooked on the fish and topped with more fresh.

This FISH is so DELISH!!

You will need:

  • 2 spring onions/scallions
  • 2-3 fresh basil leaves
  • a handful of fresh flat leaf parsley (why does anyone buy curly?)
  • a handful of cilantro/coriander (I use stems and clean roots too)
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped jalapeno chili pepper (Ha-la pain-yo)
  • 1 tbsp dried coconut (sweetened or unsweetened is fine)
  • 1 tsp lime zest (fine)
  • 1/2 juicey lime
  • 3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil – I used Mandranova Nocellara from Sicily (YUM!)
  • 2 cloves garlic – finely minced
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 big pieces of fresh halibut or meaty whitefish
  • 2-4 slices thin prosciutto

* more Mandranova olive oil to drizzle at serving!

Step 1: chop all your fresh herbs, spring onions and jalapeno pepper. If you like you can always add a bit more or less of any of these. You can also make this entirely in a food processor but, it will be more of a sauce/pesto while I like the texture when it is chopped with a knife. Put on some Dean Martin and enjoy the smell while improving your knife skills!

Step 2: finely chop garlic and grate some zest of a lime. Add herb mix, garlic, zest and juice of lime to a small bowl.

Step 3: add coconut, lots of good extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Taste it! If you need more lime add some, more salt and pepper go on! when it is the perfect way you like it leave it aside.

Step 4: spread half  the mix over the pieces fish on a large plate. I cut my pieces in 4 so I could wrap the prosciutto slices around them. You can leave this mix on the fish for an hour or so before heating the grill. Leave fish covered in the fridge while you prepare the grill. Do not add the prosciutto until just before you grill.

Step 5: wrap a piece of prosciutto around each piece of fish.

Step 6: I place fish on a sheet of olive oiled foil. If you have any herb mix that drops off the foil just avoids a mess or flare ups on the grill and makes for quick clean up after you remove them after cooking. I cook on high heat for a few minutes on each side (like 2-3)

Pour on more excellent olive oil and the remaining half of your herb mix for a fresh finish. It is salty and fresh and absolutely divine!


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