Strawberry Cream Horns

These are easy little puff pastry horns filled with strawberry whipped cream. They look so fancy but, you make them with store bought puff pastry and serve them with the beautiful strawberries that are coming into season!

You will need:

  • 1 sheet of puff pastry. (I like all butter puff pastry)
  • 1 small carton of whipping cream
  • 1 tsp powdered milk (optional)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla or rum
  • 6 chopped strawberries -more for serving
  • 1 egg -whisked
  • raw sugar for sprinkling
  • metal forms for making horns
Step 1: roll out a sheet of puff pastry or buy the kind that comes already rolled. Slice 1 inch strips. One sheet makes 8 horns.

Step 2: lightly grease the metal forms with spray or butter. You can buy these in any baking shop or Italian speciality store for canolis. Roll the pastry on the form. Do not let the pastry go to the wide end of the form or you will be unable to pull off the pastry when baked.Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with raw or course sugar.
Step 3: bake at 375 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. They should be browned and puffed. When still hot carefully and gently remove the metal forms. I use a pair of tongs to hold the form and my fire proof fingers to carefully pull off. Let cool.
Step 4: whip cream with sugar, vanilla and a tsp of powdered milk if you have it. The dried milk stabilizes the cream. Chop a few strawberries into tiny pieces. Fold strawberries into whipped cream.
Step 5: in a piping bag or just a plain old Ziploc bag add the strawberry cream and cut a corner to pipe into horns.
Serve with additional berries and any cream that is left over. YUMMY!

2 responses

  1. This looks simple enough for me, Just have to find cones OR maybe I will improvise.Strawberries are in season now, so this is a must.

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